We all know that we can benefit from consuming more vegetables. However, actually doing so may seem dangerous and challenging. But this should not be the case. In this post, you will discuss how to eat more vegetable and 9 easy ways to eat more vegetables that you can start applying immediately. No matter if some or many vegetables are finding their way onto your plate every day, these tips will help you add more. Nevertheless, you will experience the benefits of a vegetable-rich diet, and know how amazing vegetables can taste.

How to Eat More Vegetable and Benefits of Vegetables

But before we talk about these strategies, let's quickly focus on why you should eat more vegetables. Eat vegetables. Eating a diet high in vegetables increases overall well-being and health. In addition, it can reduce the risk of chronic diseases, such as heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke, and cancer. Usually high in nutrients, yet low in calories and fat. Thus, they are very nutrient-dense. In particular, it contains plenty of fiber: fiber, which promotes healthy digestion, aids weight control, and keeps you full for a long time. Potassium, which helps regulate blood pressure and supports kidney and heart health .olic acid, which helps prevent DNA changes and is essential for the production of new cells. Vitamin A, which promotes eye health and strengthens the immune system. Vitamin C, which is a powerful antioxidant and helps in reducing inflammation. Phytochemicals, which have a variety of health benefits, such as reducing the risk of chronic diseases. The added benefit is that vegetables have no cholesterol, and most have no saturated fat. Both can be a risk factor for a variety of chronic diseases (especially heart disease), so reducing the veggie load can help reduce the risk. Food: Eating a vegetable-rich diet can increase overall health and well-being while helping to reduce. Risk of chronic diseases. Vegetables are high in nutrients and low in calories and fat. Among others, they are rich in fiber, potassium, folic acid, vitamin A, vitamin C, and phytochemicals. Vegetables contain no cholesterol, and most have no saturated fat. Now you know why you should eat more vegetables, talk about how many vegetables you should eat. How big is the service of vegetables? A serving of vegetables is about 75 grams or½ cup of cooked green or orange vegetable 1 cup raw or leafy greens vegetable. Chopped raw vegetables, medium potatoes or other starchy vegetables, how many vegetables should you eat daily? Is it advisable to eat at least five? Servings of vegetables every day, but ideally, you should try for ten. Now, if you are far away from that number, do not do it so that you are locked out. You do not need to go from zero to 10 within the next week. Seriously, take it slow. Slow, but a permanent change in your eating habits is more beneficial than changing things quickly and returning to the old eating pattern after a while. So, here is a recommendation on how you can include more and more vegetables in your diet. 

Assess how many vegetables you are currently eating and set a goal for how many servings you want to get. To find out how many servings you eat every day, it is useful to keep a food diary for 3-4 days and analyze it afterwards. However, if you feel that this is too much work, just try to eat all the vegetables that you eat and use that information. How many daily servings do you want to eat daily. Do you want to go all-in and reach 10? great! Do you think that for the foreseeable future, five seems achievable? Go with that! Do you want a challenge but it is not difficult to reach the goal? Go to the beach with 7-8 servings a day. Increase your daily servings in each month. Please tell that you are eating two servings at this time. Early next month, set a goal that now consume at least three servings every day. Then, four the next month, and so on. An additional service is fully achievable in a month, and I know you can do it.


What if you don't eat veggies every day? So, your first goal is to make sure that you eat at least once every day. Once you build that habit, start growing monthly from there. A serving can be as simple as eating a medium tomato or a side salad. you got this.


If you are already eating a lot of vegetables and are confident that you can increase your servings very fast, then you can certainly do so. There is no best way to eat more vegetarian, so do what seems right and appropriate for you. You can always adjust the road later. Shamri: The recommended daily intake of vegetables is at least 5, but ideally, you should try for ten. Getting there as a journey, not something that needs to change overnight. It helps to get you started, it is useful to set a goal for how many servings of vegetables you are currently eating and how many you want to achieve. Then set an intention to serve an extra daily every month. Serve vegetables in 75 grams or cup: green cooked green or orange vegetables, 1 cup raw or leafy greens, cut cups chopped raw vegetables, pot medium potatoes or other starchy vegetables. Eat the most bang for your buck. If you are not yet a fan of vegetables, but want the most health benefits, then you can choose to eat vegetables as soon as possible. These are spinach, broccoli, red cabbage, cauliflower, carrots, garlic, Brussels sprouts, bananas, green peas, Swiss chard, ginger, asparagus, sweet potato, kollard greens, turnips. This is not to say that these are the only healthy vegetables or that you should only eat these vegetables and ignore all other wonderful vegetables. Salty: Healthy vegetables are: spinach, broccoli, red cabbage, cauliflower, carrots, garlic, Brussels sprouts, bananas, green peas, Swiss chard, ginger, asparagus, sweet potatoes, collard greens, turnips.

Now know here what you have come to do here: Strategies to eat more than 10 vegetables 

9 ways to eat more vegetables

How to eat more Vegetables 9 ways
How to eat more Vegetables 9 ways

1. Drink your vegetables 

This is the first and easy way of how to eat more vegetables in your diet is don't eat them just drink them. Smoothie and homemade juices are great because you get a pair of servings of vegetables (and fruits!) In a glass. This drink is a lot easier than eating all these vegetables (and fruits) in person. Depending on the recipe, you may not even taste the vegetable. My favorite way to make veggies sneak spontaneously is by preparing a smoothie with berries, a banana, some seasonal fruits and then leafy greens like spinach or kale. These are some of my favorite fruit smoothies: If you want to get more than just one serving of vegetables, you can choose more vegetable-rich smoothies. I like the mixture of spinach, apple, cucumber, avocado, dates and rice milk. A great option is the Green Monster Smoothie with Kale and Strawberry. If you like juicing on smoothies, then you can try a simple green juice recipe. However, keep in mind that when you juice vegetables, you lose some of the benefits of veggies (f.e. fiber) in the process. 

2. Make the vegetables more fun by spiraling the spiral vegetables. 

This little twist is like cucumber and cucumber to vegetables' Oh my God I can eat all day. " I'm serious! Veggies do not just look good but also improve the taste. The best vegetables for spiralizing are zucchini, cucumber, carrots, beets, potatoes and sweet potatoes. You can include these spiralized veggies in your meal or make delicious mains. The dish of them, for example, by using them as a replacement for pasta. A great goal post with 19 super delicious Spiralizer recipes. Note: You can find Spiralizer in various price ranges at very affordable prices. costly. The cheapest ones will fix (be sure to check the reviews before purchasing), so it is not necessary to make a substantial investment. In fact, if you have never tried to spiral before, ask a friend or family member if you can borrow them to try this for a few days. More expensive ones are usually more convenient. They can speed up the process, especially if you are cooking for more than one person. Also, you can always upgrade later and give your 'early version' to a friend so that they can be hooked too. 

3. Use frozen vegetables. 

Frozen vegetables are a great option and super convenient because they are so simple and quick to prepare. Since they are already washed and often already, you can easily add them to a recipe or throw them in a steamer to have a tasty and nutritious side. Another advantage is that the vegetables are properly frozen after harvesting, so they retain most of their nutrients and freshness. Fresh vegetables, depending on how much time passes until they hit your plate, may lose valuable vitamins and minerals. Generally, frozen vegetables are often super inexpensive, making them easy and accessible to include in your diet. The disadvantage of frozen vegetables, however, is that they are often packaged in plastic (although, too many are fresh). So, if your store offers alternative packaging like cardboard, I would encourage you to go for that option when possible.


4. Eat salad with your meal. 

I agree that it is kind of boring, but still effective. Adding a side salad to your main dish makes adding some vegetables to your day so much easier. Salad can be as simple as some leafy greens with dressing. To take it a step further, by adding tomatoes, cucumbers, onions, bell peppers, etc. to some more vegetables, the salads, lettuce can taste great, if corrected! So, what it leaves behind is the boring attitude behind the salad.Try These Recipes! 

5. Make sure to watch your vegetables how your vegetables (or lack thereof) affect the season. 

How to Eat More Vegetable
How to Eat More Vegetable

With the right seasonings, you can make any veggie in a few seconds. Naturally, you have to play a little bit to find out what you really like. Nevertheless, the following spices and herbs are very good with vegetables: rosemary, parsley, basil, parsley, cumin, parsley, lemongrass, coriander, dill, ginger, garlic and curry. To make your vegetables more exciting, you can also try adding srirakha, hot sauce, low sodium soy sauce, or adding nuts and seeds. However: Salt has a very high effect, I recommend you to limit your intake, as salt can increase blood pressure and damage to blood vessels. 

6. Try different ways to prepare your vegetables. 

Similar to how the seasonings affect the taste, how you make your vegetables can make all the difference. Undoubtedly, most vegetables are the healthiest way to cook because nutrient deficiency is minimal. While steamed veggies can be delicious, many people, especially those who don't eat veggies often, don't like it very much. So, here are some other preparation methods that you can try to make the vegetables more tasty for your taste. Add vegetables to olive oil. To do this, just heat a little olive oil in a pan, add your chopped vegetables and add some herbs and spices. Within minutes, your delicious vegetables are ready to eat. A delicious way to prepare your vegetables is to fry them in the oven. To do this, cut your vegetables and put them in a large bowl. Then marinate them with plant oil that can handle high heat (F. canola oil, vegetable oil, avocado oil, grape seed oil). Next, add spices like garlic powder, cayenne pepper, freshly ground black pepper and some herbs. Then pop them in the oven until they are well roasted (usually about 30 - 45 minutes, but the cooking time varies depending on the vegetables you use). Air frying Air frying is a method that has become quite popular in recent years as it is a healthy alternative to deep-fried foods. Air-fried veggies are low in fat and calories, requiring very little oil to prepare, and in the process, less harmful compounds are made. Air frying makes vegetables super crispy and tasty too. Here is an excellent guide for air frying vegetables. 

7. Try Vegetable-Based Snacks Snacks are a great way to include more vegetables in your diet. 

I mean, if you are in the mood for snacking, you can be healthy as well as have a meal. Most snacks are simple and quick to prepare and can be a fun way to infuse vegetables into your day. A very popular snack is dipping vegetable sticks (such as cucumber, bell pepper, carrots) into the meek. Celery flavored with peanut butter. You can also make homemade vegetable chips (like bananas, beets, sweet potatoes). The healthiest way to prepare them is in a dehydration. Alternatively, you can use an air fryer or cook them in the oven. In addition, you can try the tortilla chips with homemade salsa or guacamole and put in some vegetables this way. 

8. Try a vegetable-rich main course. 

When you adopt a recipe, go for one that already contains some vegetables. That way, you don't have to worry about adding veggies to your food because they are already integrated into the recipe. There are some main dishes that are usually rich in vegetables: In addition, you can add some veggies to your sandwich. To make it more tasty, tasty and nutritious, add cucumbers, tomatoes, bell peppers, or arugula to your sandwich. Prepare Meals Prepi is a big fan of food because it saves a lot of time, money, and I always have something tasty to eat on hand, which means less impulse buys and less snacking. If I plan in advance and prepare a vegetable-rich meal at the beginning of the week, it will be so easy to go through. So, even if I get home from work and feel like ordering a pizza, I don't think because I know I have a delicious, healthy meal in the fridge. Here are some recipes you can see:

9. Don't force yourself to eat those vegetables, like you can't eat some vegetables, where the thought of just eating them makes you stronger.

Last way of how to eat more vegetables is don't force yourself to eat vegetables trying to force yourself to eat them can be counter productive because it can force you to eat fewer vegetables. If you really do not like the vegetable, it is okay not to eat it. I love veggies a lot, but I certainly don't love them all, and there are some that I try my best to avoid. But before you cut vegetables completely out of your life, I would advise you to give these veggies 'one last chance'. . When you do, try different preparation methods because the way you prepare the vegetable affects its taste and texture and can make a big difference. For example, I was not a fan of asparagus until I tried to make it bang. There are also some vegetables that I do not enjoy cooking and eating, but I love them raw and the other way around. So to play around and try a few different things, but if you find, you're still not like that particular vegetable, let it go. There are so many more to do and fall in love with.


So in this post, you have discovered 9 super easy ways to eat more vegetables. This means that you now have no excuse not to eat lots of veg every day. Here's a quick way to eat more vegetables: Why you should eat more vegetables. Eating a vegetable-rich diet can increase overall health and well-being while helping reduce the risk of chronic diseases. Vegetables are high in nutrients and low in calories and fat. Among others, they are rich in fiber, potassium, folic acid, vitamin A, vitamin C, and phytochemicals. Vegetables contain no cholesterol and are usually low in saturated fat, which helps reduce the risk of chronic diseases. How many vegetables should you eat? The recommended daily intake of vegetables is 5 to 10 servings. The more vegetables you eat, the better for your body and health, and the more benefits you experience. The more you start on your quest to eat more vegetarian, it can be helpful to assess how much vegetables you are currently eating. Set a goal for how many servings you want to achieve. Then set an extra daily serving goal every month until you reach your goal. How big is the vegetable serving? A serving of vegetables is about 75 grams or½ cup of cooked green or orange vegetables, 1 cup of raw or leafy greens, cup is chopped. Raw vegetables Medium potatoes or other starchy vegetables are healthy vegetables such as spinach, broccoli, red cabbage, cauliflower, carrots, garlic, Brussels sprouts, bananas, green peas, Swiss chard, ginger, asparagus, sweet potatoes, curd greens, and turnips.